lisafingleton's profile

My Projects

  • Film Fiction

    Film Fiction

  • One Child’s Rubbish is Another Child’s Gold

    One Child’s Rubbish is Another Child’s Gold

    One Child’s Rubbish is Another Child’s Gold was an environmental project with children at Kilconly National School which explored creativity through recycling. We made lots of treasure chests,...
  • Budding Bookmakers

    Budding Bookmakers

    Over the last number of years I have worked with chidren to make their own books. We usually start by creating stories. Collaboratively we invent charachters and imagine what kind of creatures they...
  • The Happy Artist

    The Happy Artist

    Since 2009 I have been working on a project called The Happy Artist (...
  • For the Love of Reading

    For the Love of Reading

    What is the best book you ever read? Why do you choose to read (instead of watching TV)? Where did you get your love of reading? “For the love of reading” is a...
  • Milk


    Milk is a slapstick comedy about the dangers of energy drinks. It was written, filmed and edited by the students of Kilarney Community College ...

projects 1 to 20 of 6 total

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