nickrabkin's profile

Name: Nick Rabkin

Organisation: Currently a researcher with the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago.

Member since:2008-12-28

Last online:2009-01-06


I`ve been a theater producer, public arts manager, program manager for a major philanthropy, and director of an arts policy center. Co-author/editor of Putting the Arts in the Picture: Reframing Education in the 21st Century, and a contributor to Chmapions of Change: The Impact of the Arts on Learning.

Professional Organisation

Currently a researcher with the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago.


Professional Statement

I`ve been active in arts education advocacy and research in the U.S. for two decades. I`m currently leading the first national research project on teaching artists, the Teaching Artist Research Project. ( In the US, teaching artists have been part of the political landscape for a century -- since they first ran arts programs for immigrants at the Settlements -- but they have never been more important. With the new Obama administration there appears to be a serious opportunity to expand resources and supports for arts education and teaching artists, making the study especially timely.

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