ambra's profile

Name: ambra bergamasco

Organisation: Teatro Espace in Torino Italy NIRSA at NUI Maynooth Ireland


Member since:2009-05-27

Last online:2009-05-27


thetre and dance theatre as performer and production manager (internationally), specialised in Butoh dance and impro.
At present PhD researcher on theatre, social theatre in the creative city context,and mother of Clarisa, age 3.

Professional Organisation

Teatro Espace in Torino Italy
NIRSA at NUI Maynooth Ireland


Professional Statement

my research in theatre and dance theatre has been devoted in descovering ways through which emotions can be transformed in evocative imaginaries. As an academic researcher i am looking at how theatre is used to create `spaces of interaction and intimacy` within cultural policies in urban setting. I am a firm believer that creative processes and theatrical/performance should be present in child development and implemented in the everyday education.

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