Caroline Ryan's profile

Name: Caroline Ryan


Crafts Council of Ireland Education Panel


Region: Kilkenny

Member since:04-05-2012

Last online:2012-10-25


BA Art And Design, BA Honours Design In Textiles, HDip In Art For Art And Design Teaching


Professional Organisation

Crafts Council of Ireland Education Panel



Professional Statement

Based in Kilkenny, Caroline is an emerging visual artist and educator. She presents her work using a range of media that includes textiles, print, computer generated design, installation, video, and photography. 

’The visual vocabulary of my work is reflective of past and contemporary society and evokes a sense of time, place and memory. My experience as an educator in the field of art, craft and design also influences me to create work that is often humorous and play-full’. 

Other Professional Development Achievements

2010  Appointed and still currently a member on the Crafts Council of Ireland Education Panel.

2010  Child Protection Certificate – Awarded by the Crafts Council of Ireland.

2007  Represented GMIT at the RDS Kitting and Stitching show Dublin.

2005  Awarded and undertook a studant placement to study at the Sofia National Academy of Fine Arts, Bulgaria.        





Media and techniques

Primary medium: Textiles

Secondary medium: Sculpture

Creative Context

Primary context: Education

Secondary context: All contexts


Crafts Council of Ireland, Artlinks