Jessica Foley's profile

Name: Jessica Foley

Organisation: I am currently teaching in Visual Art Education at Mary Immaculate College in Limerick.


Member since:2010-02-17

Last online:2010-02-17


I studied Graphic Design at LSAD, and undertook my H. Dip. there in Art & Design Education. I`ve taught Art from Primary level up to 3rd level, working in primary schools, secondary/community schools, Youthreach, Adult Education, Undergraduate & Postgraduate Education. I write a good deal, and make my own work which takes the form of text/ audio & visual multi-media & installation. I am very interested in the learning process, how we learn, and how engaging in art making can enhance our learning & our understanding of the world around us.

Professional Organisation

I am currently teaching in Visual Art Education at Mary Immaculate College in Limerick.

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