Mary Grehan's profile

Name: Mary Grehan

Organisation: The Waterford Healing Arts Trust (WHAT) is one of Irelands leading Arts and Health programmes. Based in Waterford Regional Hospital, Ireland, WHAT supports healthcare environments and the wider community by providing multi-disciplinary arts experiences and services.


Member since:2010-10-05

Last online:2010-10-05


Graduate of NCAD. Have been working as an arts manager in healthcare and social contexts since 1989.

Professional Organisation

The Waterford Healing Arts Trust (WHAT) is one of Irelands leading Arts and Health programmes. Based in Waterford Regional Hospital, Ireland, WHAT supports healthcare environments and the wider community by providing multi-disciplinary arts experiences and services.


Professional Statement

homehistoryvisual artsExhibitions

Public Art

Art Collection
musicHealing Sounds

Participatory Music
residenciesArtist in residence 2009
outreachhealth promotionparticipatory artsWHAT as a resourcecentre for arts & healthnewsNews Archive
linkshow to helpcontact

We enable meaningful and relevant working partnerships between the field of Arts and the field of Health whereby the aesthetic qualities of the arts are explored and promoted alongside their therapeutic values within healthcare and community environments.

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