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Day 1 - Talking of Change

We displayed and discussed the layered images. Some suggestions from the children were to follow on from the work by making 3-dimensional maps of places maybe using paper, clay, mixed materials, water, sand...and maybe making these within containers. There was also mention of taking a walk and observing, photographing and collecting from these areas - or maybe from around the school. Trapping actual collected things between these map layers was another thought. Painting was happily mentioned a number of times!

We moved on to some group work - discussing the sea, waves, coast and erosion and using fine dry sand to try to represent erosion with stop frame animation.

Finally a brainstorm session; using main titles that cropped up during the day - Erosion, Mapping, Change - we discussed possibilities under each. This was really exciting. We grappled to find something that didn`t change! Words? The Moon? The earth`s core?

Change became the most discussed topic. This was nice for me because it is the theme I am inclined toward in my own work. We discussed some things that change: ourselves, leaves, sea, air, LIGHT, color, sun, moon. There was mention of comparing old and new. When I asked how we could practically explore these changes I got a list of ideas as long as the board! Photography, time-lapse imagery, video - 24/7, spoken word, drawing, note-books, flip-books, animation, shadow drawings, shadow recordings.....

The day flew and I left enriched.

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