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Day 15 - All systems go

Day fifteen was a very organised session! We began with a few new games for team building and concentration and then we discussed what was ahead of us in terms of organising and hanging work and planning for visitors to come to the school for an open day. The children were very attentive and focused and I felt that they had begun to see the equal importance of this process as part of the overall project. I designated groups to various pieces of work that we had made and shared my vision for where and how they might be displayed. (If we had done this collaboratively it would have taken much longer and I think that it was more efficient to approach it this way). Each group went to work with my assistance. This happened in a rotation system. Meanwhile the rest of the group worked on the 3D spaces which had been started in October and had gone by the wayside! I left them to self-direct this work, after a brief discussion, letting them know that they had acquired many skills over the year to assist them and reminding them of some of the original ideas they had for them. The level of concentration and creative energy was amazing....the teacher had to remind the children to break for their lunch!

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