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Day 11 - Layering

Through a series of images of my work both in video and in still image, the children had expressed an interest in the layering of images, both from an aesthetic point of view and in terms of the actual process. We discussed the possibility of layering the portraits we had made to combine them into one, detailed portrait of ourselves. I was both interested and familiar with this process in a digital sense, but in the studio i began to think of more traditional forms of printed layering and started to explore a combined process that I had been shown many years previous. I took the layered images, both digitally manufactured and more hand printed to the children and asked what they thought. They expressed the wish to make all versions. We began the process of preparing the images, and possible text we would need.

I am working with the children in smaller groups for this, more technical, work.

Over the last two weeks we have discussed creating an overall portrait of the area we are based in - we have talked about gathering a view of the past, of the present and of the future. I think that at the moment we are in the throws of making an image of the present.

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