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Day 4 - Talks and Workshop

Three more talks to schools that had work on display in the Gallery. The afternoon workshop was with 9-12yrs. Only three participants joined this workshop so it was a very quiet affair! The work produced reflected this, I think, in it`s delicate nature and attention to detail. We continued the idea of drawing maps where we live and of personalizing maps by adding portraits. This time though, we didn`t layer the imagery as before. I introduced the work of the children at Cairns NS in Sligo, who drew maps using small sheets and combining them as necessary to complete the maps. This resulted in very unusually shaped and very individual maps. We then talked about memories to do with these maps or places within them that had special meaning for us and created an image of this. Portraits were the final addition. These separate pieces of each personal puzzle were finally combined together. As before, this was an opportunity to explore possible ways to combine and display the work in Cairns NS and I will be bringing these images back to the children there for discussion.

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