Annabel Konig's profile

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  • Butler Gallery - Artist in Primary School residency - Education and Outreach programme

    Created 2017-03-27 by Annabel Konig

    Location: Rural - Co. Kilkenny

    Duration: 2017-03-27 to 2017-04-14

Project Outline

The idea for this project was to use ordinary materials, cardboard, socks, coloured recyable materials and our imaginations to make a work that tells a story of a new resident in our community.

The pupils made houses, looking at architecture, and then formed groups to come up with a 3 minute story for a puppet show, using the made houses as the set.  Each child made the characters appearing in their plays from old socks and old fabrics brought in.  

On the final day we had two performances of all the short plays for all the students, teachers and Butler Gallery staff to enjoy.


Project Details

  • Location: Rural
  • From date: 2017-03-27
  • To date: 2017-04-14
  • Length: 12 hours
  • Participants in total: 28
  • Contact hours: 12
  • Age range of participants:
  • County(ies):
  • Related Organisation(s):
    Butler Gallery
  • Funding Bodies:
    Butler Gallery

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