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Rannta na Deise

Mary Branley and I were back in Dungarvan Library last Friday & Saturday, working with enthusiastic 3-4 years and their parents.  We were singing nursery rhymes - some of the old favourites like Humpty Dumpty & Ba Ba black sheep and then more were added - Goosie Goosie Gander, Miss Polly had a Dolly, Mary had a little lamb etc. - all were very keen to sing ! 

On the first day of workshops we then explored these rhymes using them as a focus for our creative work. Discussing the rhymes and the characters in them and then re creating the narrative in drawings, adding diifernt elements to the drawing.

ie. One child drew a big green apple tree, when I asked her where the tree was, she replied "in the field" I followed this with "who might be in the field under the tree" , "a lamb"  "whose lamb?" "Mary`s" she then proceeded to draw me a very detailed picture of the lamb 

On the second day the children returned to the library, some with their daddy`s, some with older siblings in tow! We re-capped on the rhymes & songs and then developed the characters into simple puppets, made from card and lolly pop sticks - the aim was that it would be a cheap, easy, effect activity that could easily be replicated at home  - that it was child led and that they had time to play with their puppet and use it to act out the rhyme - bring it to life !

All were delighted with their puppets (see photo`s on kid`s own )

Mary and I are off to Portlaw Library next - we want to develop the creative play with the puppets once they are made - see if these puppets might come up with a few rhymes !  



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