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Compressed charcoal with water | Lines Crossing, (phase two)
Compressed charcoal with water
Week One, Workshop Two
We began the second workshop by spending time looking back at what they had produced the previous session. I brought the children into my studio room where I had all the drawings laid out creating a huge square. Everyone was excited by how well the drawings looked now that we stood back from them.The children picked out drawings that they liked, that were different, or that they felt stood out, and some described their drawings for us, explaining why they had drawn what they had drawn and techniques they had used. We looked at how some stood out because of the shapes and some because of the textures. We looked at how some drawings used the widest variety of marks and tones and how some used similar tones and marks all over.
Back in the class room we repeated the previous day`s work but this time using compressed charcoal with water and paint brushes, and the sounds used were taken from the sound tracks they had produced themselves with Cathal. It was noticable how much more confidently the children went into the work on this day having seen and discussed the results from the previous day.
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