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Week two at St Edwards, looking back at drawings


Week two at St Edwards
Workshop one

We began again by looking at the results of the last workshop and discussing differences in this work from the previous set. Everyone then collected there own six drawings and found a space to lay them out. The task was for everyone to choose two drawings, one from each of the days work, out of their six. We all helped choose the two `stongest` drawings from each set and had a lot of discussions about what makes the `stongest` piece of work. It could we found be the `messiest` or the `neatest`, the lightest or the darkest. It was though perhaps the clearest, and perhaps rather than being one that we spent the most or least time on it might be the one for which we had concentrated the hardest. Each student then put aside there two drawings that would be the starting point for some work in colour.

I wanted to take plenty of time introducing colour, and we spent the rest of the session on this. We looked at colour associations, how it makes us feel, what it makes us think of. Then we looked at the spectrum and colour relationships. We looked at Matisses cut outs to see examples of complimentary and contrasting colours. Next we looked at how one colour against another in an abstract work can create the illusion of depth just as realist painters used perspective to create depth. For this we looked at Rothkos work to see examples of depth using colour. Finally we discussed the possibility for texture by how the brush is used, by layring one colour over another etc and we looked at examples of this in Patrick Herons work.

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