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The Nature of Sligo- Week 7

Week 7. 22 Jan. 09

We reviewed the work from last week as we did not have time at the end of class to discuss.

Working from the indoor nature study center we continued with our drawing exercises for a few hours in sketch books and on larger sheets of paper.

Lizzie had come up with an idea for a drawing work, so she presented this to the class and they followed her instructions. This will now be a process that we will continue each week, encouraging the children to develop their own ideas and work.

Following on from the life-cycle of a butterfly, I introduced a selection of photocopies of various butterflies from which they traced onto card and cut out the shapes. This will materialize into an installation for the class.

I introduced sound recording equipment to the children and took a number of them out to record their own sounds, which we intend to edit into a sound-scape.

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